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Xavier Miserachs in Macba

March 23, 2016

Plaça dels Àngels, Barcelona

One Sunday evening I went to Macba to see the modern take on Xavier Miserachs’ photography. What better opportunity could there be to bring a camera and take some street shots myself?

Plaça dels Àngels, Barcelona

Plaça dels Àngels, Barcelona

Plaça dels Àngels, Barcelona

It turned out the exhibition was pretty bad. Many modern remixes of classic Miserachs’ pictures, but not many photographs themselves. The most interesting part was the room when you can see the contact sheets printed, along with notes on it which shots are the ones to be enlarged. You can see how many shots did Xavier Miserachs take to get his results, what different things that he tried were, etc.

Two years ago I’ve visited a Magnum Contact Sheets exhibition in Berlin that was completely devoted to this topic, showing contact sheets along with the shot that was chosen. I’ve also seen another exhibition like that in Barcelona, earlier. I think it’s a great stimuli to make you think more about the shot that you take. But maybe it’s better to get one of Miserachs’ album with contact sheets instead of going to Macba to browse through them.

Written by Wojciech Ogrodowczyk who takes photos, climbs mountains, and runs Brains & Beards to help companies deliver better mobile applications faster.

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